Sunday, February 15, 2015

Arks of the Covenant

This time, my blog, is more of an attempt to reflect on my thoughts and musings about God and our relationship—a journal of sorts.  Perhaps a textbook for those looking to grow in intimacy with the Lord and walk in his power.  Who knows … will this blog be a medium I can use?
Today I have some revelation about Arks.
Before Jesus, the presence of God was carried around in a beautiful and valuable golden box called the Ark of the Covenant.  Where ever that box was, the presence of God was also.

We are the modern day Arks of the Covenant—that is, if we are in covenant with the Lord.
Covenant is a word that many modern people don’t care to understand.  They understand contract, but not covenant.
See, a marriage is an example of a covenant—it’s until death do you part—literally, it means that you are one with that person you are in covenant with and only death can separate you.  Modern day marriages reflect the idea of contract—I protect my interests, your protect yours and as long as it all goes well, we are in; however, the moment my needs are not being met—see ya, that’s not what I signed up for.  Well, in a covenant, yeah it is—so choose wisely with whom you enter into covenant.
Back to the Ark …
So when we ask the Lord Jesus into our hearts, we are really asking to enter into covenant with Him.  He is a gentleman and won’t move in unless we ask Him to, and He certainly won’t move in unless we are in covenant!  Effectively, we are “married” to Him and that’s why we are the Bride of Christ!  Therefore, He moves in and His presence is in us where ever we go—we are ARKS!!!
Signs, miracles and wonders follow those who believe—do you believe you are an ARK and carry the presence of the Lord?  If you do, watch out world, because you are an agent for Kingdom change anywhere you go.  Remember what happened to the servant who took the ARK to his house—he got SUPER blessed!!!
This modern age, though, is full of those who would probably covet the box more than the contents.  Even when we look in the mirror, we tend to inflict self-hatred because we compare what we see there to what the world desires.  I’d rather have a cardboard box filled with the presence of God than a golden box that’s empty.
So next time you look in the mirror, and you start to say, “I’m too …” stop and remember that you are an ARK and the presence of God in you makes you worth the price He paid—really, He believes that and so should you.
God Bless!

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